The most important quote here at Reflex 2 Health is:
‘Nurturing yourself is not selfish, it’s essential to your health and wellbeing’.
Would you say this is how your approach to personal wellbeing is reflected? Or is your health and wellbeing something that eventually demands your attention out of necessity or crisis? For a lot of my clients, particularly those with families, it tends to be the latter.
If you tend to de-prioritise your health and wellbeing, you’re not alone. Do any of these sentences sound familiar?
“I’ll do that tomorrow!”
“Where has the time gone?”
“Oh! That niggle is still there...”
“I really should get this niggle fixed”
“That niggle is starting to become really painful”
Distractions and life will always get in the way, if we let them. So, what choices do we have to change these habits?
To start, let’s look at your ‘to do list’. Whether written or memorised, stuck up on the fridge or stored on your computer or phone, it’s there and it constantly grows. It’s time to do a forensic review and prioritise what’s important. And this is why I ask: where are you on your list?
It’s well known that across society in stereotypical roles, women are seen as the ‘carers’ and ‘doers’ and men as the ‘fixers’ and ‘protector’. These roles are changing, but slowly, with men gradually understanding that there is more for them to take on. So often, women have the bigger ‘to do’ lists, and the priorities tend to be focused on the family. So here is the real question; what would your reaction be if your list was turned upside down?
For some, being ‘top’, or near to, is a comfortable choice and they value personal time as deliberate and necessary. For others, it’s a struggle to see clear space in which they can relax or nurture themselves. There are also those that feel emotionally challenged when faced with this choice, as it pushes ‘buttons’ of self-worth or guilt for taking time out for oneself.
In my experience, being your own best advocate is a good starting point. Valuing your own personal health and time is essential to helping others. Having your needs met allows you function from abundance! As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
So, what would nurturing yourself look like?
Perhaps it’s making sure you make time for you, whether it’s 10 minutes or a couple of hours. Choosing to spend your time doing something that will enhance your physical and mental health is critical to ongoing wellness. It doesn’t have to be complicated – it could be enjoying a cup of tea, taking a bath, enjoying a TV show, relaxing at a reflexology or massage session, or simply enjoying 10 minutes of silence.
Feeling healthy and vital is reflected inside and out, and prioritising your health and wellness is a wonderful way to set an example to others. So often others will notice the positive differences in you, and will respond positively themselves.
An holistic therapy like reflexology can provide these benefits. It’s subtle, non-invasive methods transform the body’s natural functions and elevates bio-rhythm activity. This means reflexology is helpful at all stages of life.
For women, reflexology can assist in:
Balancing hormonal issues through teenage years, adulthood, and through the ageing process
Providing relief of maternity symptoms through the four trimesters of pregnancy (during pregnancy and post-birth)
And much more
For men, reflexology can assist in:
Neck, shoulder, and lower back issues
Quality of sleep
Immune system boosting for energy and man flu prevention
And much more
Men and women share some common health ailments, such as musculoskeletal, digestive, circulation, and emotional wellbeing. So, it’s no surprise then that reflexology should be considered as your primary therapy of choice in getting yourself, and your family, back on track.
Remember, it’s the action that we consciously take to prioritise our own health and wellbeing that prevents these health ailments from turning into major health impacts. Making personal time a priority takes a little effort, but the rewards are huge and long lasting. Take control of how you treat and feel about yourself, and you might be surprised by how much more time and attention you are able to give others, without impacting on your own health. It could really be a Win-Win situation for all!