You may or may not have noticed that the Reflex 2 Health clinic has been operating with reduced dates these past weeks. The reason for this is a personal one, and unfortunately will be ongoing for the coming months.
My parents (in their late 80s and early 90s) are both experiencing quite debilitating health issues, and being a fiercely independent couple, want to be at home. My brother and I have made arrangements to ‘tag team’ each other on a fortnightly basis to support our parents.
We understand their choices, and where necessary will help them navigate home care services. However, this takes time to put in place and in the meantime they need individual plus advocacy care.
I have been overwhelmed by the support of my clients and I appreciate your understanding during this time. I would like to extend my apologies for any inconvenience caused by these current changes.
As usual, I will keep everyone updated as and when circumstances change. I have already closed the clinic booking dates where I will be unavailable, and will notify you as each closure period approaches.
Thank you for your patience, and I look forward to seeing you all in the clinic soon.
Cheers, Tony